58. Rosa - Mapa de los Estados Unidos Mejicanos arreglado a la distribucion que en diversos decretos ha hecho del territorio el Congreso General Mejicano - 1837 GLO Map 96515
59 Adamson - New Map of Texas in the second year of Independence. Published by Dr. John Adamson 1837 - GLO Map 96643
60. Hunt & Randel - Map of Texas, compiled from surveys on record in the General Land Office of the Republic - 1839 GLO Map 93858
61. Moore/Austin - Genl Austins Map of Texas with parts of the adjoining States - 1840 GLO Map 83860
62. Day & Haghe - A New Map of Texas - 1841 GLO Map 83862
63. John Arrowsmith - Map of Texas compiled from surveys recorded in the Land Office of Texas, and other official surveys - 1841 (1843) GLO Map 93863
64. J. & C. Walker -Map appears in the book, "Texas: its history, topography, agriculture, commerce, and general statistics" by Arthur Ikin - 1841 GLO Map 97190
65. Greenleaf - Texas compiled from the latest and best authorities - 1842 GLO Map 93864
66. Emory (US War Dept.) - Map of Texas and the Countries Adjacent compiled in the Bureau of the Corps of Topographical Engineers from the Best Authorities - 1844 GLO Map 93867
67. David Burr - The State of Texas -1845 GLO Map 93870
68. James T.D. Wilson - A new & correct map of Texas compiled from the most recent surveys & authorities to the year 1845 GLO Map 96973