88.  Colton - Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas - 1882 - GLO Map #93909

97. Colton - Colton's New Map of the State of Texas, the Indian Territory and adjoining portions of New Mexico, Louisiana and Arkansas - 1882 - GLO Map #93909

89.  Rand McNally & Co. - Burlington Route - 1892 - GLO Map #93910

98. Rand McNally & Co. - Burlington Route - 1892 - GLO Map #93910

90.  Scarborough - The Scarborough Company's New Railroad, Post Office & County Map of Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory Compiled from the Latest Government Surveys and Original Sources - 1904 GLO Map 93911

99. Scarborough - The Scarborough Company's New Railroad, Post Office & County Map of Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory Compiled from the Latest Government Surveys and Original Sources - 1904 GLO Map 93911