11. Ortelius - Americae Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio - 1606 - GLO Map #93810
12. Hondius - America - 1607 - GLO Map #93811
13. Stefano Scolari 1646 update of Blaeu’s 1608 Wall Map of America GLO MAP #97019
14. Van Den Keere - Americae Nova Descriptio - 1614 (1652) GLO Map 96370
15. Blaeu - Americae nova Tabula - 1617 (1635) - GLO Map 93812
16. Hondius/Jansson - America noviter delineata - 1623 (1630) GLO Map 93814
17. Briggs - The North Part of America - 1625 GLO Map 93815
18. Speed - America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings 1626 GLO Map 93816
19. Jansson - America Septentrionalis - 1646 GLO Map 93817
20. Walton - A New, Plaine, and Exact map of America - 1658 GLO Map 96787
21. de Wit - Nova Totivs Americae Descriptio 1666 GLO Map 93818
22. Visscher - Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae Descriptio - 1677 GLO Map 93819
23. Coronelli - America Settentrionale Colle Nuoue Scoperte sin all' Anno - 1688 GLO Map 96506
24. de Fer - L'Amerique, divisee selon l[']etendue de ses principales parties, et dont les points principaux sont placez sur les observations de messieurs de l'Academie Royale des Sciences - 1698 (1705) GLO Map 95688